

Message from the Assistant Curriculum Leader of the Arts & Literacy

In our department, we work diligently to recognize the individual needs of exceptional students and we design programs that effectively respond to these needs.

We strive to differentiate and individualize our programming, allowing students to capitalize on their strengths while providing additional support in areas of development.

All of our courses are built upon a strong focus on English language development, supporting cross-curricular literacy skills. This focus helps prepare our students for the learning environment in all subject areas, and in life beyond high school.

York Humber is unique in its personalized approach to the development of literacy skills, and the fostering of a love for reading. We work with individual students to provide remediation and intensive support for students who are in need. We pride ourselves on the care and education we provide to each and all of our students.

Assistant Curriculum Leader: Lilah Zohar-Pittari

416-394-3280 ext.20145


Successful Language Learners

  • Understand that language learning is a necessary, life-enhancing, reflective process.
  • Communicate – that is, read, listen, view, speak, write, and represent – effectively and with confidence.
  • Make meaningful connections between themselves, what they encounter in texts, and the world around them.
  • Think critically.
  • Understand that all texts advance a particular point of view that must be recognized, questioned, assessed, and evaluated.
  • Appreciate the cultural impact and aesthetic power of texts.
  • Use language to interact and connect with individuals and communities, for personal growth, and for active participation as world citizens.


Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

In Grade 10, students write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test which measures whether or not they are meeting the minimum standard of literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9, as outlined by the Ontario government.  At York Humber, the OSSLT is deferred for students until their literacy level has been developed to the point where they are able to write the test with the greatest success. In lieu of a passing result on the OSSLT, students take the OLC course offered at the school.York Humber offers the English Literacy Skills (ELS) course, as well as several training sessions in order to best prepare our students for the test.



KEN English – for students who need extra remediation in Literacy

Locally Developed Courses: Grades 9 – 12

Reading Recovery and Reading Support