York Humber High School (YHHS) is a vibrant, busy school.
Each year is filled with much activity and many accomplishments. The credit for each successful year belongs to all the members of the YHHS community. Together, we have worked to make YHHS an inviting place to be.
I would like to thank the YHHS staff for all of their hard work and dedication. Our students benefit immensely from their care and instruction both inside and outside the classroom. Much of what happens here at YHHS happens only because of their commitment.
Finally, to all students who will be graduating this year, congratulations! Once you leave the YHHS “nest”, you will be able to test your wings, reflect on your years here and take with you the very best of what you have learned. You are equipped to achieve many things; you only have to remember how to use the tools you have been given.
In spite of all we have accomplished, we must not rest on our laurels! We must strive to make each year better than the last. To that end, I will close with an excerpt from a poem entitled Success by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
The heights that great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept were toiling upward through the night.